Litte Pictureframe is Watching You

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-03-06T04:46:00+00:00

I found a cheap digital picture frame at a local electronics store a while ago and searched a project for it. So i installed 60 jpegs with eyes looking in different directions on the pictureframe and started an endless slideshow. Now the picture frame sits on his shelf and is carefully watching whats going on in our livingroom.

little picture frame

To generate the eyes I wrote a short processing sketch that generates a new frame every time a key is pressed and saves it in the sketchfolder.

void setup() {

float d = random(360);

void draw() {
  ellipse(284, 240, 200, 400);
  ellipse(484, 240, 200, 400);

  float da = d;
  float db = d;

  float a = radians( da );
  float b = radians( db );

  ellipse(284 + cos(a) * 60, 240 + sin(a)*160, 80, 80);
  ellipse(484 + cos(b) * 60, 240 + sin(b)*160, 80, 80);

void keyPressed() {
  d = random(360);
} contains the set of imags I use on my pictureframe

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See also:

Processing Flowers for the livingroom
hexagonal abstract art generator
Little Picture frame turned into a Vampire
Framed Pictures made with the Abstract-Art-Generator
Abstract Art Generator 4



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  1. andrew 2011-03-23T16:16:10+00:00

    Could you post a .zip of the pictures please?

  2. Nikolaus Gradwohl 2011-03-24T00:40:17+00:00

    I just added a download link for the set of images i use currently

  3. Graeme Hill 2011-03-24T14:11:51+00:00

    Very clever - just tried this on a little frame for my daughter, she thinks it's fantastic.

  4. Erdem 2011-03-24T14:12:36+00:00

    slideshow looks good on my iPad

  5. Andrew 2011-03-24T18:30:40+00:00

    Thanks very much!

  6. Android Development 2011-04-04T08:09:38+00:00

    The pictureframe eyes slide would look great on my HTC Android mobile. Thanks for sharing it.

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