purple blocks

Nikolaus Gradwohl2018-02-08T05:18:06+00:00

I made a new short blender animation - just for fun. I used a displace modifier on a subdivided cube and animated the texture using an empty as a control object. I moved, turned and scaled the empty for five frames and then paused for 20. I then used a remesh modifier to turn the noisy mess of a mesh back into a bunch of cubes.

I like the jumpy animation - maybe I use it in a music video some time.

you can download the blend file here

purple blocks

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See also:

blender 2.80 experiment 6 - fresnell
blender 2.80 experiment 3 - displacement
blender 2.80 experiment 2 - array modifier
Exploding Torus
exploding icosphere



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