hexagonal animated texture

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-05-15T10:47:23+00:00

For this animation I used a similar technique as in my growing-texture animation. I created an image sequence in processing and used it as an animated image texture in blender. I used a transparent material everywhere the texture has a black pixel. The texture is also used as a displacement texture to make the hexagonal tiles better visible

The processing code is based on one of my abstract art generators I have written in processing

you can download the blend file here

hexagonal texture

This is the processing code I used to create the texture

int [][] filled;
int rc = 21;
int cc = 61;

void setup() {
  size(1770, 512);
  filled = new int[rc][cc];
  int res[][] = new int[rc][cc];
  for ( int r = 0; r<rc; r++) {
    for ( int c = 0; c<cc; c++) {
      res[r][c] = 255;

  res[rc/2][cc/2] = 128+int(random(128));
  filled = res;

void draw() {
  //  noStroke();
  float s = 29.5/2;
  float dr = sqrt( sq( 2*s ) - sq( s )) ;
  float dc = 2 *s ;
  for ( int r = 0; r<rc; r++) {
    for ( int c = 0; c<cc; c++) {
      fill( filled[r%(rc-1)][c % (cc-1)]);
      if ( filled[r%(rc-1)][c % (cc-1)] < 255 ) {

        for ( int i=0; i<6; i++) {
          vertex(  c*dc + s * cos( float(i)*TWO_PI/6 + PI/2 )+ ( r % 2 == 0  ? 0 : s), r*dr + s* sin( float(i)*TWO_PI/6 + PI/2 ) );
        endShape( CLOSE );

        for ( int i=0; i<6; i++) {
          vertex(  c*dc + s * cos( float(i)*TWO_PI/6 + PI/2 )+ ( r % 2 == 0  ? 0 : s), r*dr + s* sin( float(i)*TWO_PI/6 + PI/2 ) );
        endShape( CLOSE );
  filled = calc_fill( rc, cc);
  println( frameCount );
  if ( frameCount < 250 ) {
    saveFrame( "hextex-####.png");

int[][] calc_fill( int rc, int cc ) {
  int res[][] = filled;

  for ( int r = 0; r<rc; r++) {
    for ( int c = 0; c<cc; c++) {
      if ( c > 0 && res[r][c-1] < 255 ||
        c < cc-1 && res[r][c+1] < 255 ||
        r > 0 && res[r-1][c] < 255 ||
        r < rc-1 && res[r+1][c] < 255 ||
        (r % 2 == 0) && r < rc-1 && c > 0 && res[r+1][c-1] < 255  ||
        (r % 2 == 1) && r < rc-1 && c < cc-1 && res[r+1][c+1] < 255 ) {

        if ( res[r][c] == 255 && random(100) > 92 ) {
          res[r][c] = 128+int(random( 64 ));

  return res;
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See also:

generative sine displacement texture in blender
blender 2.80 experiment 8 - texture displacement
Processing and Blender Sound Visualizer for Magical Dreams
particle density volumetric material
hard edge displacement



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  1. tài đinh đức 2015-05-23T10:33:58+00:00

    owesome! thanks

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