processing ical-flowers-2.0
I made a new version of the ical flowers sketch i wrote in dezember. This time it doesn't only show a flower for every event in my calender, it also shows
- the current weather (using the rubyweather library)
- the current temperature outside
- the min/max temperature outside
- the current temperature inside ( using my arduino i2c thermometer sketch)
- the sky color changes depending on the current time
the system consists of a ruby-proxy, an arduino sketch and a processing sketch.
the ruby proxy starts a web-server on port 2000. It fetches the current weather using the rubyweather gem, fetches the events from the configured caldav calenders, and fetches the current temperature from the arduino using ruby-serial
the arduino sketch is basicaly the same as in this blog post. the only change is that the arduino only sends the temperature when the host sends a 'C' over the serial line
the processing sketch finally fetches the data via http from the proxy and displays it ( using my icap4p library. the screen is updated every 1/2 hour using the method described here
the code can be downloaded here
it's published under the LGPL
have fun :-)
See also:
ical4p Processing lib
Blinking Logfile Map
Training Bike Visualization
RadioPI - debugging
hi, i need to import ical into processing for a project. I tried running yours but it didnt work.