how to make a tentacle using processing and toxiclibs

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-02-23T03:34:29+00:00

the Toxiclibs are a very interesting collection of processing libraries. One of the libraries is called volumeutils and allows to use a volumetric space to model a 3D object.

I used it to generate a tentacle and export it as a stl file to make it printable on my 3D-printer.

click here to see it live or download the source-code

tentacle tentacle 3D printed

In the setup method i define a volumetric space containing 100x100x100 voxel, a iso surface and a Triangle mesh (which is needed to display the object and export it later)

gfx = new ToxiclibsSupport(this);
VolumetricSpace volume = new VolumetricSpaceArray( new Vec3D(100,200,100), 100, 100, 100 );
IsoSurface surface = new ArrayIsoSurface( volume );
mesh = new TriangleMesh();

Then i define a volumentric brush - in this case a sphere and use it to draw a spiral while increasing the raduis of the brush-sphere.

VolumetricBrush brush = new RoundBrush( volume, 10 );
for ( int i=0; i < 20; i ++) {
  brush.setSize( i*1.2 + 6 );
  float x = cos( i * TWO_PI / 20 ) * 10;
  float y = sin( i * TWO_PI / 20 ) * 10;
  brush.drawAtAbsolutePos( new Vec3D(x,-25+i * 7,y), 1 );

Then i use the brush to draw the suckers. First I draw a sphere a little bit outside the tentacle and then I draw a second sphere with a smaller raduis and a negative density to remove a section of a sphere and leave a dent.

for ( int i=4; i < 20; i+=4) {
  brush.setSize( i/1.5+4 );

  float x = cos( i * TWO_PI / 20 ) * (i*1.2+16);
  float y = sin( i * TWO_PI / 20 ) * (i*1.2+16);

  brush.drawAtAbsolutePos( new Vec3D(x,-25+i * 7,y), 1 );

 brush.setSize( i/2+2 );
  float x2 = cos( i * TWO_PI / 20  ) * (i*1.2+18);
  float y2 = sin( i * TWO_PI / 20  ) * (i*1.2+18);
  brush.drawAtAbsolutePos( new Vec3D(x2,-25+i * 7,y2), -1.4 );

finally the mesh gets generated from the volumetric object.

surface.computeSurfaceMesh( mesh, .5 );

to display the mesh i use the ToxiclibsSupport to generate the vertices in the draw method

gfx.mesh( mesh );

exporting the mesh to stl is simply a matter of calling

mesh.saveAsSTL( sketchPath( "tentacle.stl" ));
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See also:

Blender Monster Tutorial - material animation
Spikes and Bumps with Toxiclibs
animating a growing vine in Blender 2.6
3D mushrooms in processing



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  1. Paul 2011-03-21T16:09:55+00:00

    Cool Stuff! I need to learn some processing. Need to do this stuff as well :)

  2. 2011-04-05T19:09:44+00:00

    hey! Your 3d printer... is it from the reprap project or somewhere else? cheers

  3. RobA 2012-05-04T17:59:28+00:00


    I'm playing with your example (thanks!) and it looks like the handedness between the Processing displayed images and the exported STL files is reversed.

    I think the Z axis is flipped, as the exported STL appears upside-down from what is displayed in Processing. Did you resolve this?

    -Rob A>

  4. RobA 2012-05-04T18:10:13+00:00

    Answered my own question... Y axis, not Z (I keep forgetting up is Y in Processing).

    I changed the save code to: void keyPressed() { if (key=='s') { mesh.flipYAxis(); mesh.saveAsSTL( sketchPath( "tentacle.stl" )); mesh.flipYAxis(); } }

    and this now exports an STL file that looks exactly like what was displayed in Processing.

    -Rob A>

  5. diex 2012-09-23T06:11:57+00:00

    hi ! was very helpful to me in order to keep going understanding how tx.libs works ! thanks ! dx

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