Day 24 of 30DaysOfCreativity - a breadboard arduino
Originally I planned to interface the hardware of the blaupunkt car radio from the 60ties using an attiny85 and an attiny2313 talking to the raspberry pi via i2c. But unfortunately this setup seems to be very unstable at the moment and I canĀ“t get the i2c slaves to work properly. So I build a breadboard arduino today. I will try to hook the buttons, RGB-leds and the variable resistor and add a new i2c interface tomorrow.
So I have a Raspberry PI, an Arduino, some 3D printed parts, custom electronics, an interface to Apple iDevices, a retro car radio housing, .... hmmmmmmmm - Have I forgotten something?
See also:
RadioPI hardware part 1
Day 30 of 30DaysOfCreativity - RadioPI interface module
Day 28 of 30daysofcreativity - testing the radiopi software
Day 26 of 30DaysOfCreativity - prototyping the controls