AN experiment - Modulo jump

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-03-23T06:02:45+00:00

For this animation I shifted the position of vertices based on the modulo value of their relative position on a circle

you can download the blend file here

modulo jump

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AN experiment - Shape Shift

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-03-22T05:14:41+00:00

I used a loop to modify the vertex location of a cube mesh using the Animation Node Addon for blender

you can download the blend file here

Shape Shift

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AN experiment - force field curl clusters

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-03-21T06:16:49+00:00

For this animation I used a particle system influenced by a curl field and used the animation nodes cluster template to create the network connections

you can download the blend file here

curl noise cluster

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AN experiment - Building Blocks

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-03-15T05:17:30+00:00

Since I haven't used the Animation nodes addon for a while, I started some new Animation Node experiments series - this time building blocks along a beziƩr-curve

you can download the blend file here

builing blocks

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torus knot

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-03-10T05:40:20+00:00

I animated the displacementtexture on a torus knot from the extra objects addon in blender

you can download the blend file here

torus knot

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twisted torus particles

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-03-08T09:21:21+00:00

I used the twisted torus shape of the Extra Objects addon in blender as an emitter for a particle sytstem

you can download the blend file here

twisted torus

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Filmic Test - exposure animation

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-02-24T06:45:51+00:00

I installed the filmic color tables by Troy James Sobotka (using greeg zaals installation addon ) and made a first test animation using it.

To create the fades I animated the exposure parameter.

you can download the blend file here

filmic test

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particle density volumetric material

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-02-23T07:43:08+00:00

I made a volumetric material in cycles based on particle density. The particle set I used is influenced by a turbulence force field. I used a small ico-sphere as a particle object and added an emission shader. I noticed a pretty noticable offset between the particles and the volume material that changes over time - I'm not sure yet where that offset comes from, but I think it still looks pretty.

you can download the blend file here

density volume material

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hard edge displacement

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-02-15T07:23:03+00:00

For this animation I used a displacement texture in a cycles material that has hard edges and a subdivision modifier set to adaptive mode. I used a voronoi texture in cell mode and also transformed the texture coordinates using a curve.

you can download the blend file here

displacement shift

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Volumentric emission shader

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-03-14T05:21:52+00:00

For this animation I have used an emission shader in a volumetric material for the first time. I added the shader on top of a volume scatter and a volume whatever shader and used a gradient curve to modify the density values for the emission shader a bit.

The input for the density function is a Point-Density Texture which is connected to a particle system.

The results aren' t quite as I expected them (which is kind of a recurring theme in my blender experiments :-) ) But I really like how it looks.

you can download the blend file here

emission volume shader