Day 19 of 30DaysOfCreativity - RGB led for the Raspberry PI based Radio
Today I worked on the RGB led that is going to replace the small lamp that lights the display of my rapspberry pi based car radio for cheriĀ“s VW type 3 wilson
I used an attiny 2313 to control the led. I will interface the microcontroller with I2C and connect the 5 buttons tomorrow
this is my day 19 project for 30daysOfCreativity
See also:
Day 30 of 30DaysOfCreativity - RadioPI interface module
Day 28 of 30daysofcreativity - testing the radiopi software
Day 26 of 30DaysOfCreativity - prototyping the controls
Day 24 of 30DaysOfCreativity - a breadboard arduino
Day 18 of 30daysOfCreativity - Reading analog values on a PI using an ATTiny45
Day 28 of 30daysofcreativity - testing the radiopi software
Day 26 of 30DaysOfCreativity - prototyping the controls
Day 24 of 30DaysOfCreativity - a breadboard arduino
Day 18 of 30daysOfCreativity - Reading analog values on a PI using an ATTiny45