
Nikolaus Gradwohl2013-02-14T08:47:39+00:00

I made another small processing sketch this one draws random curves

have fun


violet abstract art generator

Nikolaus Gradwohl2013-02-12T08:14:51+00:00

I generated new pictures for my living-room wall using a little processing sketch that generates random violet triangles.

violet aag

Here is the code I used to generate them if you want to create some for your living-room too

read more ...

blue waves

Nikolaus Gradwohl2013-01-24T06:36:54+00:00

I made another small processing sketch this one draws a ever changing, cool blue wave. Well not actually "ever" but with a very long period, so you probably get bored or fall asleep before you notice that the sequence repeats :-)

have fun

blue waves


Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-12-14T03:58:51+00:00

I just noticed that much time has passed since I posted my last completely useless processing sketch. So to change this I present you some random grey boxes, made with processing. (click on the image to see them in action)

have fun

random boxes

Processing TTSlib version 0.4 released

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-11-25T06:39:39+00:00

I just released a new version of my processing freetts wraper

in this version I added two new speak methods that allow to choose the speaker the voice is coming from

tts.speak( "I am in the center" );
tts.speakLeft( "I am on the left" );
tts.speakRight( "I am on the right" );

go to the ttslib project page and download a copy. Installation works as usual by unzipping the file in your sketchbook/library folder.

yellow circles

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-06-27T05:24:06+00:00

my day 27 project for 30DaysOfCreativity - yellow circles

written in processing-js (click on the image)

yellow circles

lots of dots

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-06-06T03:44:54+00:00

my day 6 project for 30DaysOfCreativity - lots of dots

written in processing-js (click on the image)


processing.js advent calender - door 24

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-12-24T07:48:51+00:00

I just wrote door24 of my 2011 - Calender

I have written a lot of processing.js sketches and here are some of my findings

first of all - I like it very much - especially how easy it is to deploy on a website and the fact that on the client side only a browser is needed.

What I didn't like very much is that the javascript quality and speed varies a lot among bowsers and operating systems. Some sketches run blazing fast in my firefox and slow to a crawl in my safari - and vize versa.

So when deploying processing.js scripts - one has to do the very same things as with every web/javascript code - test test test. on every plattform in every browser.

What I haven't tested so far are things like sound or video, or integrating libraries into the code. All the sketches in the advent calender use pure processing.

I thing this is a point where we can expect a lot of development in the next time, but where processing defintly has a clear margin at the moment.

So Processing and Processing.js will definitly coexist in my toolbox from now on :-)


processing.js advent calender - door 23

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-12-23T05:38:08+00:00

I just wrote door23 of my 2011 - Calender

yesterdays sketch was - in fact - an accident (but still very beautiful) - what I really intendet to do was this :-)


processing.js advent calender - door 22

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-12-22T05:43:10+00:00

I just wrote door22 of my 2011 - Calender
