blender curve experiments - toy train

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-04-20T06:12:14+00:00

For this part of my blender curve experiments I made a toy-train that runs through my particle wood

The track was inspired my by fireplace-train

you can download the blend file here

a toy train

blender particle experiments - forcefield

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-04-14T07:53:18+00:00

for this part of my blender particle experiments I moved a forcefield through a particle system.

you can download the blend file here


blender particle experiment - particle wood

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-04-10T16:45:17+00:00

For this part of my blender particle experiments I made a wood - using a particle system with no physics and group rendering

you can download the blend file here

particle wood

blender particle experiments - letters

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-03-26T05:59:22+00:00

for this part of my blender particle experiments I use a particle group containing the letters from A to Z

you can download the blend file here


blender particle experiments - cells

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-03-25T09:08:38+00:00

For this image I used a very simple 1-frame particle system to generate the cell-wall.

you can download the blender file here or you can download a hi-res version of the image here


blender particle experiments - 1.000.000 cubes

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-03-24T08:17:45+00:00

for this blender particle experiment I made a particle system containing 1000000 cubes

I didn't upload the blend file this time, because its very huge but easy to reporduce.

I added two cubes and a plane. The plane is a collision object One cube contains the particle system, the other one is used as a particle object.

In the emmision block set "Emit from " to Volume use Grid.

Set the resolution to 100 - et voila - 1000000 particles

I've also set the particle size to 0.01

1.000.000 cubes


Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-03-23T06:12:40+00:00

This is a test-render aehm I meant teaser for my next short-film project

you can download the blend file here


blender particle experiments - text

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-03-19T05:31:27+00:00

for this blender particle experiment I pixelized a text string using a remesh modifier and transfered It using a curve-guide force field.

you can download the blend file here

particle text

blender particle experiments - particle tree

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-03-15T07:40:50+00:00

This tree is made from 4 particle emitters that are moved along a curved track. The particles are taken from a group and have a lifetime of 1.

you can download the blend file here

particle tree

blender particle experiments - light streaks

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-03-13T05:26:03+00:00

for this part of my blender particle experimenets I made some lightstreaks using a forcefield, that drags the particles along a curve.

you can download the blend file here

light streaks