On creating and collecting phases

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-09-08T05:25:37+00:00

As you might have noticed, I haven' t written many blog posts in the last few weeks. I usually write posts when I have created something and want to share what ever I have created or explored, how I did it and sometimes even what materials I used and how I did it. But lately I didn't feel like creating at all - hence no blog posts. This situation started to frustrate me and so I started to analyze what has changed and I came to the conclusion that in fact nothing has changed - I am still trying to learn stuff about new topics. What has changed is that I do collect information, material, impressions, references, ideas currently instead of using them up. I always have cycled through phases of creating and collecting - the only thing that really has changed is that I forgot to balance these phases and I got further into the collection than usual.

So to keep this blog from drying up and to bootstrap myself into a more creating mode I will start write posts with collections of links, books I've read, references I collected, topics that interest me and short random thoughts on topics I want to explore further.

In a way this is similar to the experiment series I've done for blender or processing in the past

collection phase

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animation node cube cluster

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-07-27T07:16:36+00:00

For this experiment I morphed a cluster of random locations into the mesh of a cube using the animation node addon for blender. The mesh of the cube is then turned into a group of splines using the "find close vertices node" and the "Splines from Edges" node.

you can download the blend file here

animation node cube cluster

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animation node network

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-07-26T06:58:10+00:00

For this animation I used the cluster from particle template of the animation node addon

you can download the blend file here

animation node network

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animation node boxes

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-07-21T04:48:01+00:00

For this animation i animated the instance count parameter of an object-instance node in the animation node addon for blender

you can download the blend file here

animation node boxes

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animation node rotation

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-07-19T06:56:24+00:00

For this animation I played with the rotation-wiggle node of the AN-addon in blender. To fade the wiggling rotation in and out I used an animation rotation node and a delay

you can download the blend file here

animation node rotation

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animation node bubbles

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-07-18T05:55:22+00:00

For this animation I used the AN-Addon vector wiggle node to animate a bunch of bubbles. The material is a combination of a transparent- and an emission-shader controlled by a fresnel-input node

you can download the blend file here

animation node bubbles

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animation nodes fold

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-07-14T07:38:14+00:00

for this animation node experiment moved the vertices of a sphere using the wiggle node but made sure the node stayed on a spherical surface - which leads to a folding/crumbling effect

you can download the blend file here

animation node fold

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animation node vertex displace

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-07-13T04:56:43+00:00

For this animation I used the animation node addon to displace each vertex of a icosphere using a vector wiggle node. The icosphere was rendered with freestyle enabled.

you can download the blend file here

animation nodes vertex displace

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animation node location

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-07-11T06:38:06+00:00

I used the wiggle vector node of the animation nodes addon in blender to offset the location of objects and scaled them to make sure they are placed on a sphere

you can download the blend file here

animation nodes location

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animation nodes noise

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-07-08T07:25:22+00:00

I created this structure using the animation nodes addon by creating copies of a sphere and changing their locations using the vector wiggle node

you can download the blend file here

animation node noise

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