curl noise field

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-07-06T07:04:38+00:00

In this processing sketch I'm using the perlin noise function to create a curl noise vector field

click here to start the sketch or download the sourcecode.

boxed noise

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Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-07-05T06:14:32+00:00

I used the cubesurfer and the molecular addon by pyroevil on a fluid particle system to turn it into something pink and slimy. To create the punk material i used subsurface scattering for the slime material.

you can download the blend file here


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fluffy torus

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-07-04T04:49:07+00:00

For this animation I added a hair particle system to a torus and made the hair move by a turbulence forcefied which is rotating along the x and z axis.

you can download the blend file here

fluffy torus

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noise modulo - part II

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-06-27T07:39:10+00:00

I modified my noise modulo sketch from last week by adding a second noisefield perpendicular to the first one. I got this idea from a facebook comment - which unfortunately has been deleted, so I can't credit the author. The two noisefield functions use different offsets and move the field with different speeds to create a more asymetric image

click here to start the sketch or download the sourcecode.

noise modulo 2

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New Song - The Unscratchable Itch

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-06-24T10:28:55+00:00

the unscratchable itch - the small but constant itching you normally don't notice because its so common to you - but its always there to remind you that being alive means to accept things that wont't change

The song was recorded in bitwig-studio only using bitwig internal instruments or effects

The Unscratchable Itch

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processing noise crawler

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-06-23T08:57:13+00:00

For this processing noise-field exploration I created some particles that wander around on a plane. The location a particle goes to is calculated from its current location using a noisefield. I draw a small line from the current to the previous location and make the lines fade away very slowly so the trails the particle create while wandering around can be seen.

You can reset the particle locations to a random position by clicking on the sketch.

click here to start the sketch or download the sourcecode.

noise crawler

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noise modulo

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-06-22T09:45:44+00:00

I wrote another processing sketch to explore the possibilities of 3D noise fields, this time I created height lines similar to those of a map on a noise field, the field gets slowly shifted upwards and is changed my the current frame count.

click here to start the sketch or download the sourcecode.

noise modulo

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cube child hair experiment

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-06-21T09:37:27+00:00

For this animation I used a hair particle system with some child particles emitted form a cube in blender. The hair gets influenced by different forcefields over time. The child particles on the left side of the cube didn't work as expected. I will make some more experiments and try to fix this.

you can download the blend file here

cube child hair

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blender hair particles experiment - top down

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-06-17T06:32:45+00:00

I animated a hair particle system and placed the camera right above the plane

you can download the blend file here

topdown hair

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boxed noise

Nikolaus Gradwohl2016-06-15T08:14:21+00:00

I made a new processing sketch that explores the possibilities of noise fields. This time I used a 3D noisefield to that influences the thickness and transparency of the lines used to draw boxes on a grid. The first two axes of the 3D coordinates used to gather the noise value are the location of the box, the z axis is mapped to the passing of time.

click here to start the sketch or download the sourcecode.

boxed noise

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