AN Experiment 2018 Test 2 - noise position

Nikolaus Gradwohl2018-04-16T05:08:08+00:00

for this Animation Nodes experiment I used the vector noise to change the position of objects

you can download the blend file here but be aware that this has been created with a development version of - so some nodes might change a bit until the final release

noise position

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AN Experiment 2018 Test 1- curly noise

Nikolaus Gradwohl2018-04-13T08:05:08+00:00

I finally managed to fix all my python and cython version missmatch errors and started experimenting with a animation nodes 2.1 development branch - this is my first experiment using the vector noise node and the curly noise setup described in the brilliant answer by omar Ahmad

you can download the blend file here but be aware that the 2.1 branch of the Animation Node Addon is currently under heavy development so maybe the examples here won't work out of the box with a final version.

vector noise test

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purple blocks

Nikolaus Gradwohl2018-02-08T05:18:06+00:00

I made a new short blender animation - just for fun. I used a displace modifier on a subdivided cube and animated the texture using an empty as a control object. I moved, turned and scaled the empty for five frames and then paused for 20. I then used a remesh modifier to turn the noisy mess of a mesh back into a bunch of cubes.

I like the jumpy animation - maybe I use it in a music video some time.

you can download the blend file here

purple blocks

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AnimationNodes2 Experiment - balls and sticks

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-11-23T08:35:19+00:00

I finally managed to solve all the cython issues and install version 2 of the animation nodes addon on my linux machine, and rendered a first experiment with the new vectorized nodes - the nodes setup is much simpler than the loop version of 1.6 and i really like the new syntax.

you can download the blend file here

sticks and balls

hint: if you get a "cannot import name X" errors - try to delete the _pycache_ folder in ~/.config/blender/2.79/scripts/addon - this solved the problem for me

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Processing and Blender Sound Visualizer for Magical Dreams

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-09-29T07:51:40+00:00

I finally managed to finish a project where I could combine most of the tools I love and use. I created a processing sketch to visualize the stereo correlation of my song "Magical Dreams", exported the frames and used blender to create an animated highfield based on the brightness of the images. Then I rendered these frames and combined them to a video with the original track exported from bitwig.

Hmmm ... maybe a bit more complicated than needed, but that's one of advantage of a hobby project - you don't have to justify yourself for inefficient processes and toy around as long as you want to :-)

Magic Dreams

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blender denoiser experiment: subsurface shader

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-09-11T06:05:41+00:00

I made a new Blender Experiment to explore the possibilities and limits of the new blender denoise function. This time I tested the denoiser on a material using a subsurface shader node in combination with a pretty low sample number, because the subsurface node in a material creates very noisy images and increases render time a lot


you can download the blend file here

blender denoise experiment


For this experiment I creatd a simple is-sphere and added a voronoi texture as the displacement texture to make the object a bit more interesting. The material was created using the new cycles Principled BSDF node.

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microdisplacement denoise test

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-09-05T05:54:43+00:00

I wanted to test the limits of the new blender denoise function so I used a very detailed texture with lots of sharp edges for microdisplacement.

you can download the blend file here

displacement denoise test

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blender 2.79 denoise test

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-08-17T10:34:03+00:00

I used this render to test the new denoise function in blender - I rendered the animation with 24 samples.

you can download the blend file here - to run it you have to use a blender 2.79 build, the denoiser is not available in 2.78.

denoise test

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blender dynamicpaint displacement

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-08-09T07:24:39+00:00

For this animation I added a dynamicpaint canvas to a plane and used an icosphere as a particle instance object and the dynamicpaint brush. I added a second inivisible plane below the canvas to act as a obstacle for the particles.

you can download the blend file here

Dynamicpaint Displace

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Texture cuts

Nikolaus Gradwohl2017-08-08T05:04:50+00:00

I animated the turbulence and scale factors of a texture in blender and used it as a displacement map in cycles

you can download the blend file here

texture cuts

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