9^3 cubes

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-05-25T04:51:08+00:00

The cubes and the animation keyframes were generated using a python script

you can download the blend file here


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blender curve experiments - bevel

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-05-24T04:47:01+00:00

For this part of my blender curve experiments I played with the bevel parameter. The beziercurves are animated using shapekeys

you can download the blend file here

bevel surface

blender curve experiments - helix2

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-05-23T18:46:03+00:00

for this part of my blender curve experiments I used the array modifier in combination with a curve modifier

you can download the blend file here


blender curve experiment - electricity

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-05-22T05:18:36+00:00

For this part of my blender particle experiments I hooked each vertex of a curve to an empty and animated it using a noise f-curve modifier

you can download the blend file here


blender labyrinth generator

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-05-21T05:08:35+00:00

I ported my labyrinth generator from processing to a blender python script

you can download the blend file here


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cycles ink material

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-05-20T08:29:52+00:00

after reading this article from the Blender NPR blog (which stands for Non Photorealistic Rendering)

I wanted to create a similar material using cycles. For the meta balls I used a Fresnell Input and a coloramp to get the outlines of the figure, for the plane I used the wire-frame material from this post

you can download the blend file here

ink material in cycles

blender curve experiments - curve from mesh

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-05-19T18:00:25+00:00

The curve for this part of my blender curve experiments was generated form an icosphere by pressing alt-c and choosing "curve from mesh"

you can download the blend file here

curves from mesh

wireframe material in cycles

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-05-18T05:14:41+00:00

I made an animation with two wireframe icospheres and a wireframe material rendered with cycles

you can download the blend file here

wireframe material

blender curve experiment - rail

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-05-17T10:50:16+00:00

with this blender curve experiment I wanted to test if a curve can act as a trac and be extruded at the same time

you can download the blend file here


blender curve experiments - dancing curves

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-05-16T05:33:12+00:00

For this blender curve experiment I used "hook to new Object" to create a bunch of emties that where controlled by a parent empty

you can download the blend file here

dancing curves