Day 23 of 30DaysOfCreativity - Buttons for the raspbery car radio

Nikolaus Gradwohl2013-06-23T23:25:28+00:00

Today I soldered a board to interface the push buttons of the blaupunkt car radio that gets a new raspberry pi based brain. I tested the buttons with an arduino which worked very well. Then I tried to replace the arduino with an attiny2313 running the arduino-core firmware and the TinyWireS library, but unfortunately the setup is very instable - will have to debug this tomorrow

radio pi buttons

Day 19 of 30DaysOfCreativity - RGB led for the Raspberry PI based Radio

Nikolaus Gradwohl2013-06-19T21:09:08+00:00

Today I worked on the RGB led that is going to replace the small lamp that lights the display of my rapspberry pi based car radio for cheri´s VW type 3 wilson

I used an attiny 2313 to control the led. I will interface the microcontroller with I2C and connect the 5 buttons tomorrow

this is my day 19 project for 30daysOfCreativity

rgb led for the radio

Lots Of Leds

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-10-24T04:54:08+00:00

I ordered a lol-shield for my arduino a while ago. Yesterday I finally found the time to solder the 133 leds :-)

I had no time to write any code for it yet, but I ran the example scripts from the LolShield Library and it works quite well.

so stay tuned for some led-blinking madness :-)


Getting Started with the VideoGameShield

Nikolaus Gradwohl2011-03-24T20:19:32+00:00

The VideoGameShield from Wayne&Layne is a arduino-shield that allows you to write videogames that run on your TV using an arduino and a Wii-Nunchuck or Classic Game Controller.

This is a short tutorial that helps you on your first steps after you have solderd your kit following these instructions.


VGS Hello World

To draw on the screen the VGS uses the TVout library. In this example I use a Nunchuck as controller. first we include all the libraries that are needet to use TVout and Nunchuck

#include <TVout.h>
#include <fontALL.h>
#include <i2cmaster.h>
#include <nunchuck.h>

then we define the structures we need to access the libraries

Nunchuck n;
TVout TV;
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Blinking Logfile Map

Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-06-05T18:17:00+00:00

I always wanted to see where the readers of my blog are comming from, so I took a picture frame and inserted a world map, a handfull of leds and an arduino. Some soldering and some rubyscripts later I had my hardware geo-aware logfile visualization.

I have a script running at the server that parses new ip adresses from the log file and geocodes them. Than the continent code is sent to my mac where i have a little script that forwards the continent code to the serial port. And finally the arduino in the picture frame is making the leds blink. The whole project was hacked together as a weekend project so the scripts might need some "fine-tuning" :-)

This is my day 5 project for 30DaysOfCreativity

so please read my blog to make the leds blink :-)

blinklog blinklog

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Nikolaus Gradwohl2010-01-08T05:20:00+00:00

I just finished my Smiley-O-Mat - it's a tin-box with 3 turning knobs that allows you to controll the appearence of a smiley. With 3 simple turns I can now tell your co-workers, familymembers, ... how you feel at the moment and if it is wise to talk to me right now :-)

The controllerbox is made with an arduino, the smiley generator is written in processing, and the turning knobs are printed on my makerbot

This is what the controller looks like controler box

and here are some smileys i generated

smiley1 smiley2 smiley3 smiley4 smiley5 smiley6

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Using an arduino as a AVR Programmer

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-12-14T01:53:00+00:00

I managed to use an arduino as an isp programmer for my ATTiny13. I first i tried to use the avr910 program described in this blogpost from Randall Bohn, but avrdude could not flash my hex file :-/

then i found a newer version of the code that emulates an avrisp at googlecode


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My name is

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-09-02T16:44:00+00:00

Varvara Guljajeva is using my processing tts library for her lates project My name is

My name is - is a metaphorical visualization of nowadays-human beings. In my point of view we are not bounded to one body anymore. We are extended through networks to infinity. The location does not matter, what matters is connection. Thus, at this point I totally agree with Mitchell “disconnection would be amputation. I link therefore, I am.” We are becoming gradually fully equipped and totally dependent on technology cyberorgs.

The installation consists of 4 dolls in each a speaker inside, 4 relays, arduino, a computer, and a modem. We are using Processing, TTS (text to speech), and Arduino. The independent and at the same time isolated network is created. IP addresses are continuously renewed and sent to a random doll. Thus only one doll is speaking at a time (4 speakers are controlled by 4 relays through arduino).

the installation looks really cool - a bit creepy what she did to the dolls :-)

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Adrduino Counter with lcd Display

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-07-07T16:03:00+00:00

I made a small device that has 3 independent counters which are shown on a lcd-display. The device uses an arduino and has 3 buttons on the front that are debounced in software and used to increment a variable. The variables are printed on a 1x16 char lcd-display.

the red switch on the side is a power-switch.


i really like the "frankenstein"-look of the eclosure :-)

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Arduino based Office-WTF-Counter

Nikolaus Gradwohl2009-07-03T08:37:00+00:00

As in any office, my co-workers and I experience several WTF-Situations during our working day. So we decided to implement a simple system to count the WTF's and use them as a metric for our working climate :-)

we use an "emergency stop"-Button which is connected to an arduino. This arduino sends the string "WTF" on the serial line a little python scrip writes them to a file, another processing app count's the lines in the file and offers the result via http, which is read by a processing app for visualisation ...



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