Animation Node experiment - replace

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-11-11T06:44:30+00:00

For this experiment I replaced the faces of an ico-sphere with other icospheres using the animation-nodes-addon

you can download the blend file here


Animation Node experiment - cell fracture

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-11-09T06:08:51+00:00

For this experiment I combined the cell-fracture addon and the animation-nodes addon

you can download the blend file here

cell fracture animation

Animation Node experiment - icosphere grow

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-11-06T06:13:56+00:00

for this animation I animated the polygons of two meshes to make them appear. The appearance of the polygons is delayed by the z axis value of the center-point of the polygon

you can download the blend file here

icosphere grow

Animation Node experiment - particle cluster II

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-11-05T06:17:34+00:00

For this animation I played again with the particle cluster template from the animation node addon To blur the lines I rendered them on a different render-layer and combined them in the compositor

you can download the blend file here

particle cluster II

Animation Node experiment - gears

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-11-04T06:20:09+00:00

for this animation I used the time- and delay-node of the animation-node-addon to build a gear system

you can download the blend file here


Animation Node experiment - delayed animation

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-11-03T05:51:18+00:00

For this animation I took a group of objects and made them jump to their position one after another

you can download the blend file here

delayed animation

Animation Node experiment - Music nodes

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-11-02T06:56:36+00:00

for this animation I used the "simple sound controller"-template from the animation nodes addon to control some objects by music. I rendered the 3 animations separately and cut them to the beat using the VSE

The track is recorded and mixed using bitwig-studio

you can download part1 ,part2 and part3 here

music node

Animation Node experiment - direction change

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-10-30T06:18:19+00:00

I added a random and a switch statement to a loop to create "context-free-art"-like structures using the animation-animation-nodes addon in blender. I also animated the size of the spheres using a sine-function

you can download the blend file here

direction change

Animation Node experiment - proximity

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-10-29T06:11:43+00:00

For this animation-node-addon-experiment I used the distance node to calculate the difference between a vertex and an emty and made it influence the size of a sphere in that vertex

you can download the blend file here


Animation Node experiment - polygon animation

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-10-27T06:17:26+00:00

For this animation I used the "transform individual polygons"-template from the animation-node-addon

you can download the blend files for part1 , part2 and part3 of this animation

polygon animation