dark cubes

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-08-26T06:27:51+00:00

for this animation I used a displacement and a remesh modifier on a cube

you can download the blend file here

dark cubes

grid dof

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-08-18T07:11:19+00:00

for this animation I used spherical particles aligned on a subdivided plane that is animated by a displacement modifier

you can download the blend file here

grid dof

softbody parameter grid

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-07-24T06:33:21+00:00

For this softbody experiment I varied the "pull" and the "Bending Stiffness" parameter of some spheres and ordered them in a grid to see how they affect the behaviour of the softbody simulation. On the x-axis the pull parameter is changed on the y-axis the bending stiffness parameter is changed

you can download the blend file here

softbody parameter grid

sofbody turbulence

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-07-23T06:08:00+00:00

for this experiment I used a sphere and a turbulence force-filed. I turned of the gravity influence on the softbody so only the turbulence field influences the shape

you can download the blend file here

softbody turbulence

softbody experiment - needle

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-07-22T06:49:08+00:00

for this animation I dropped a softbody on a pointy needle in slowmotion

you can download the blend file here


fly away

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-07-21T06:25:30+00:00

For this animation I used an explode modifier on a subdivided cube mesh, that is triggered by a particlesystem. The particles are moved by a turbulence-, a vortex- and a forcefiled. Rendered with cycles and freestyle

you can download the blend file here

fly away

gravity change

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-07-16T07:15:05+00:00

for this video I used some cell-fracture shards to drop to a surface and then I turned of the gravity and activated a forcefield at the original position of the fractured object to make the shards come back

you can download the blend file here

gravity change


Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-07-15T06:40:00+00:00

For this animation I used a bunch of small objects with rigid body settings and used a forcefield as an artificial gravity well to make them cluster around it

you can download the blend file here


material animation - dragon tear

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-07-13T06:46:44+00:00

I animated the mix- and displacement-factors in a cycles material node-set

you can download the blend file here

dragon tear

torus density texture

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-07-09T06:44:50+00:00

For this animation I used a particle texture that influences the particle density on a torus and a turbulence force field

you can download the blend file here

torus density texture