connect the dots in blender

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-06-17T06:53:27+00:00

a view days ago I made a processing sketch that connected some random moving dots if they are within a certain distance. I tried to recreate this plexus like effect in blender by using displacement and remesh modifier on a mesh in blender

you can download the blend file here

connect the dots

torus pipes

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-06-16T06:45:56+00:00

for this animation I traced some slow moving particles on a torus using the bTrace addon

you can download the blend file here

torus pipes

molecular blocks

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-06-15T06:46:16+00:00

for this animation I used the molecular addon on a particle system made of blocks

you can download the blend file here

molecular blocks

curve and fluid

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-06-10T06:33:24+00:00

For this animation I used the bTrace addon to trace some particles and added another particle system that generates particles for a isosurface.

you can download the blend file here

curve and fluid

fluid particle isosurface

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-06-09T06:35:56+00:00

for this animation I used a fluid particle system and the cubesurfer addon

you can download the blend file here

fluid particle isosurface


Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-06-08T06:38:46+00:00

I experimented with the new pointiness output of the Geometry Node in cycles

you can download the blend file here


isosurface displace

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-06-05T06:24:56+00:00

I applied some displacement modifiers to a iso-surface mesh created using the cubesurfer addon you can download the blend file here

iso surface

particle emitting particles - tutorial

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-06-03T06:35:07+00:00

my recent blender experiments with particles that emit particles sparked a lot more interest than I thought they would. I received a lot of requests for a tutorial - so here it is.

What can you learn from this tutorial?

In this tutorial I show how to use an object as a particle instance and make that object a particle system itself.

Why do I need that?

U can use this for all sorts of cool stuff like organic structures made of particles, flowers, fireworks, ... Here is a screenshot of the final animation we will create in this tutorial

particle particle tutorial

How is it done?

first we need an object to emit a basic particle system, so lets add a simple ico-sphere and add a particle system. Set the start and end frame to 1 and make sure the particles live through your whole animation. Also set the number of particles very low, because these will be the emitters for the second particle system.

read more ...

lots of particles

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-06-02T06:59:20+00:00

for this animation I used a particle system with 200000 particles

you can download the blend file here

lots of particles

spiral grow

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-06-01T06:48:53+00:00

This is another particle system that emits particles. This time the particle instance are quads that get an initial rotation speed.

you can download the blend file here

spiral grow