ping goo

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-05-07T06:29:56+00:00

for this animation I used an iso-surface on a fluid particle system. To make the particles fall back on the sphere I disabled gravity and added a negative force-field in the center of the sphere.

For the material I didnĀ“t use a SSS-Shader but added a translucent and a diffuse shader (looks very similar in this case but renders a hell lot faster)

you can download the blend file here

pink goo

build boxes

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-05-06T06:38:51+00:00

I played with the freestyle addon and the push/pull transform again. Aaaaand tried out a new sample pack :-)

you can download the blend file here

build boxes

broken porcelain

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-05-04T06:39:11+00:00

For this animation I used a voronoi-texture as a bump displacement in on a iso-surface generated by a particle system

you can download the blend file here

broken procelain

diffusion reaction in blender

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-04-30T06:45:11+00:00

I took the diffusion reaction animation I posted yesterday and used it as a displacement texture for a mesh in blender

you can download the blend file here

diffusion reaction displacement

cycles ink drop

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-04-28T07:03:45+00:00

A while ago Blender Diplom created an awesome tutorial on how to simulate an ink blob in blender using the smoke simulator. Unfortunately this tutorial uses the blender internal render.

I played a bit with the cycles smoke materials to recreate this in cycles. Here is my result not perfect but getting there

you can download the blend file here

cycles ink drop

volume particle grid

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-04-27T06:30:03+00:00

The particles in this animation start on a volume grid of a complicated mesh with a bunch of modifiers

you can download the blend file here

volume particle grid

textured particles

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-04-23T06:53:39+00:00

for this animation I experimented with a static particle system and animated only various different displacement textures on the particles

you can download the blend file here

textured particles

select random - wireframe sphere

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-04-20T06:43:19+00:00

for this animation I applied the "select random" - "subdivide" technique to an ico-sphere

you can download the blend file here

wireframe sphere

select random - wireframe skin

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-04-17T06:32:34+00:00

To create the mesh for this animation I used select random and extrude and applied a skin modifier to the result - I really like the playground-toy kind of look it got

you can download the blend file here

wireframe skin

select random - wireframe subdivide

Nikolaus Gradwohl2015-04-15T06:34:17+00:00

the creation process of this mesh started very similar to the displacemed greeble cube I posted yesterday. I used a cube, selected a random set of faces and subdivided them. After doing this a view times I used select random one more time and extruded the selected faces.

Then I applied a subdivision modifier to smooth the mesh. Because it started to look really awesome in wireframe mode, I used a wireframe-modifier to create the final net-like structure you can see in this render.

you can download the blend file here

wireframe subdivide